Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that includes symptoms such as:

Difficulties with organization, planning, prioritizing, initiating or switching between tasks, sustaining attention/focus, estimating and managing time, following lengthy instructions, and problems with short term memory or forgetting to do things, impulsivity or restlessness/hyperactivity which can cause difficulties in the workplace, managing finances and in relationships; these symptoms may be less outwardly visible in adults compared to kids with ADHD.

ADHD historically has been underdiagnosed in girls and women, and in many individuals who can perform well at school or in the workplace with effort or compensatory skills. Without being recognized as having ADHD, such individuals may have been labeled spacey, forgetful, or lazy, and may develop secondary problems such as low self-esteem, depressive or anxious features. Other conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders, neurological, sleep-related or other health conditions, and even normal aging can lead to symptoms that mimic ADHD or can exacerbate symptoms in people with ADHD. For this reason, many individuals will choose to have an in-depth assessment in order to best understand their symptoms and how they can be managed. At Mind Balance we offer several options for ADHD assessment and treatment with a team including psychology, psychometry, and psychiatry. All assessments are completed by or in consultation with a neuropsychologist experienced in assessment, cognitive rehabilitation, and cognitive-behavioural therapy for people having issues with attention, executive functions, memory, and self-regulation across the lifespan.

Whether you would like to simply obtain a diagnosis and self-knowledge, receive guidance on medications, access specialized CBT for ADHD, or receive recommendations for accommodations at school or at work, we can assist you. In addition to ADHD assessment, our clinicians can provide comprehensive psychological, psychoeducational, and/or neuropsychological testing for adults (18+) having other neurodevelopmental disorders, acquired cognitive deficits or brain fog related to medical conditions, and workplace injury such as posttraumatic stress disorder.